Monday, December 26, 2011

FREE Target Baby Welcome Tote Bag!!!

Hey ya'll...Just wanted to share with you what I received at Target last week. It's their Target Baby Welcome Tote Bag! Make sure you go to your Target store (with a copy of your baby registry created through Target) to pick this's filled with great samples, information, and coupons! You can create your registry online or at a Target store. Oh yeah, and the tote bag is free :o) Hope you all enjoy! *****As of May 16, 2011 they are still advertising this on the Target website so they're still available. The bag looks different but it's still cute!! Go get one today!!!***** THANKS! *The companies mentioned in this video are NOT paying me. I am not affiliated with any of the companies discussed in this video. Thank you.*

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Monday, December 19, 2011

What is the Amount of Calcium in Whole Milk

!±8± What is the Amount of Calcium in Whole Milk

Milk has been termed by many health specialists as one of the most healthful sources of calcium. However, many people are ready to argue this point considering milk coming from animal sources with fat content and possibly some impurities as well.

What they don't know is the amount of calcium in whole milk and the amount that actually gets absorbed by the blood stream is more than the amount provided by any other source. 1 cup of whole milk provides up to 400 mg of calcium. In addition to calcium, milk also contains many other enzymes, amino acids and nutrients that help in its proper digestion and consequently help in maximum calcium absorption.

Amount of calcium in whole milk as well as skim milk is enough to fulfill a day's needs if taken twice a day. Similarly, other dairy products like yoghurt, cream and ice cream are equally effective and most of us are used to eating these foods on a regular basis.

Who doesn't like pizza nowadays? A lot of cheese is consumed along with vegetables, chicken, beef and other stuff. It has been found to be a healthful source of calcium because of the cheese content and cheese is made from milk. Amount of calcium in whole milk is therefore beneficial in every way, whether it's fresh or used as a dairy product such as cheese.

Of course exceptions are always there. Some people are allergic to milk and other dairy products. They find it difficult to digest and end up developing some infections. Soy milk can be used by these people as an alternative. Soy milk not only contains adequate calcium but also many other minerals and vitamins. Elderly people are strongly advised to increase their daily liquid intake in the form of soy beverages, plain water and fruit juices.

Amount of calcium in whole milk is also utilized in manufacturing various toothpastes and supplement products. We all know that calcium is good for our bones and teeth, and therefore when we see an advertisement that tells us that a certain product provides an excellent source of calcium found in milk, we immediately want to buy it.

For promoting bone and muscle health, doctors recommend not only drinking milk on a regular basis but also consuming good-quality calcium supplements. These products are now easily available on the market. Calcium carbonate, coral calcium, calcium phosphate and calcium citrate are mostly used as calcium sources in these supplements.

What is the Amount of Calcium in Whole Milk

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Milk Allergies Not To Be Confused With Lactose Intolerance

!±8± Milk Allergies Not To Be Confused With Lactose Intolerance

Infant milk allergies are caused by proteins found in cow's milk and not breast milk of the mother. Women whose infants suffer from this allergy should limit their own milk intake since the milk protein is passed to the baby via breast milk.

This allergy must not be confused with lactose intolerance which is an adverse reaction to milk sugar present in sheep, goat and cow's milk. Many adults suffer from it.

Infants with a cow's milk allergy may show symptoms similar to some other food type allergies. If they are under 4 months and are fed formula, it may be their only food source.

Two types of allergic reactions occur - delayed and immediate. Immediate reactions will occur practically straight away after a feeding and delayed reactions can occur 3 or 4 weeks after the first feeding. Symptoms may present anywhere from day 1 to six weeks.

Allergies to formula can occur and because of the large numbers of children with cow's milk allergies, manufacturers have developed hypoallergenic formulations that meet FDA standards for minimum infant nutrition requirements.

Some infant formulas are soy based and contain additives because soy milk is naturally deficient in some fatty acids and amino acids that are essential for the proper development of a baby's neurological system.

Milk allergies develop because a baby's immune system erroneously treats milk protein as dangerous and wants to eliminate it and can result in the baby crying, feeling fussy and irritable, developing rash, vomiting, upset stomach and diarrhea and look like colic.

Milk allergies don't disappear as children grow older - symptoms change and older children will develop symptoms other than gastrointestinal reactions.

A doctor should be consulted for this allergy. Doctors will perform a physical examination and try to determine the existence of a family history of milk allergies. Changing to a hypoallergenic formula often solves the problem and costly tests are only necessary if the situation persists.

Once the infant has been put on a hypoallergenic formula diet for approximately 1 to 2 weeks, the doctor may ask that the baby be fed a few ounces of normal milk to see what reaction it will have. If the formula is suitable, the baby will stay on it for the first year. Mothers who breast feed must limit or refrain from consuming dairy products. Food manufacturers are required to clearly display, together with the ingredients of a product, if it contains any milk based additives (many food products contain milk based ingredients).

By working together, you and your doctor can identify a suitable alternative diet that will diminish the milk allergy and make life more comfortable for your infant.

Milk Allergies Not To Be Confused With Lactose Intolerance

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Human Milk Fortifiers (HMF) And How to Feed a Newborn

!±8± Human Milk Fortifiers (HMF) And How to Feed a Newborn

Human milk fortifiers are milk supplements and not actually meant to substitute for the breast milk itself. They are meant for gradual inclusion to the child's nutrition as it grows older and start having the need to advance in feeding. These fortifiers should as well have the basic and very important nutrient as the breast milk. So what are they?

Indications for use and characteristics

• Nutrient supplement designed to supply additional calories, protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other vitamins and minerals to premature breastmilk.
• Designed for infants less than 34 weeks gestation or those less than 1500g at birth once feeding has reached at least 75% full volume feeding with expressed breast milk.
• Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier (HMF) is mixed to 24 calories per ounce by adding 1 packet (3.8g) to 25 cc expressed breast milk. Adding HMF to breast milk will increase the osmolality. Adding HMF to breast milk will increase the osmolality to greater than 350 mOsm/L, which may cause gastrointestinal disturbances or feeding intolerance.
• Similac Natural Care is a liquid fortifier that can be mixed in any desired proportion with breastmilk. (typically 1:1 with breast milk) or fed alternatively with breast milk feedings. Due to the reason that this fortifier is a liquid, adding it to breast milk is ideal if the mother's milk production is low. Similac Natural Care has an osmolality of 280 mOsm/L

How to feed a Newborn

Position- football hold, supported by pillow, mother's back and arm supported by pillow. Baby should be able to see mother's face in this position. Length of feeding- 10-15 minutes on each breast, longer amounts of time will lead to sore nipples, tired baby and frustration for mom and baby.

Number of daily feedings- the number of feedings required per day decrease throughout the first year.

First 2 months of Life: 7 feedings per day every 3 hours with night break in 6 hours (schedule: 6:00, 9:00, 12:0, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, 24:00).
3-4 months of life: 6 feedings per day every 3.5 hours, with night break in 6.5 hours (schedule: 6:00, 9:30, 13:00, 16:30, 20:00, and 23:30).
5 months- 1 year: 5 feedings per day every 4 hours, with night break in 8 hours (schedule: 6:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00).
These are just examples on very good timing on breast feeding.

Method of estimation of daily volume of food

Volume of milk (in ml per day) is equal:

• 2-8 weeks: 1/5 of baby's weight (in grammes)
• 8weeks to 4 months: 1/6 of baby's weight (in grammes)
• 5-6 months: 1/7 of baby's weight (in grammes)
• 6 months to 1 year: 1L/day.

Daily volume of food must not be more than 1000ml!

Caloric method

• 1-3 months: 125kcal/kg/day
• 4-6 months: 120kcal/kg/day
• 7-9 months: 115kcal/kg/day
• 10-12 months: 110-105kcal/kg/day

1 liter of human milk has 700kcal.

Estimation of daily volume of food for child of the first 10 days of life

Formula by Finkelshtein:

Volume of milk (in ml per day) = days of life X 70; if the baby's birth weight was 3200g and less.
Volume of milk (in ml per day) = days of life X 80; if the baby's birth weight was 3300g and more.
Another formula suggests the estimation of the volume of needed breast milk of a newborn within this period as: 2% of baby's birth weight X n: where n is the number of days of baby's Life.

Human Milk Fortifiers (HMF) And How to Feed a Newborn

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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Easiest Baby Feeding Schedule to Follow

!±8± The Easiest Baby Feeding Schedule to Follow

New parents are always confused about what their baby feeding schedule should be. That makes sense, as you want to be able to take care of them properly. You want them to grow to be healthy, and the proper diet and nutrition is necessary for that. Of course, by getting your newborn on the right schedule, you will have a much easier time raising them. Not only will they sleep better throughout the night, they will have a much milder attitude. People will be amazed at how well behaved they are.

Obviously, for the first four months, the only thing that your baby will need will be breast milk or a milk based formula. You just need to feed them two to three times a day, and this should be in the morning and evening. By doing it at these times, you will be teaching their body when to get hungry. It will help them to get on a normal eating schedule of breakfast in the morning and dinner at night. This will also help them to fall asleep at night, allowing you to get the much needed rest you deserve.

After four months, the baby feeding schedule will shift a little bit. You can now start giving them solid food, as you will notice that they are now able to hold up their head and put their mouth around a spoon. There are plenty of baby formulas available for this stage, whether you want to go organic or not. Gerber and Enfamil are some of the more popular formula manufacturers, but there are plenty other options. There are constantly coupons for cheap deals on formula, so you should never have to spend more than for a couple months worth of food.

While you are feeding your baby formula, keep in mind that you should still be trying to keep them on the morning and evening schedule. This means that they do not need to be fed more than twice a day. You simply need to do this for the next 12-14 months, when your baby will start to have his second molars coming in. If it seems difficult to remember the time frames, consider getting a printable baby feeding schedule that you can carry with you.

The Easiest Baby Feeding Schedule to Follow

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Cow's Milk and Constipation in Children

!±8± Cow's Milk and Constipation in Children

Cow's Milk: Cause Of Constipation?

I did not associate cow's milk consumption with constipation until this week. My daughter started complaining of stomach cramps and this went on for four days. She would crumple up in agony. It was very strange because there was no vomiting or diarrhea and she hadn't eaten anything unusual or that she was allergic to. Or so I thought.

I drink milk myself, and it tends to have a laxative effect on me. It was only after a trip to the local GP and another to the hospital that I learned the cause of her trouble might be cow's milk. Apparently, cow's milk may cause constipation in young children.

The connection never occurred to me because I thought milk would have a laxative effect rather than the reverse. After all, this is what happens with me. I thought if my daughter was at all intolerant to milk, it should manifest as diarrhea instead of constipation.

Evidence Of Link Between Cow's Milk And Constipation

I researched the subject and came across an interesting study done at a university in Italy in 1998. It involved 65 children with chronic constipation who had been prescribed laxatives after dietary changes had failed to cure the constipation. Each child received either cow's milk or soy milk for two weeks, had a rest week, then for the next two weeks had the other milk that they didn't get the first time. When the results were analyzed, it was discovered that while they were on soy milk, 68% of the children were no longer constipated. In contrast, their conditions remained the same when they were on cow's milk.

Dr Alan Greene of suggests that it could be the protein in cow's milk that is at the root of the problem, and that switching to soy milk can dramatically improve the quality of life of a child suffering chronic constipation.

Preventing Constipation

Switching to a dairy-free alternative is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to treat a constipation issue.

What about preventing constipation? Besides ensuring the child has enough fibre and fluids in her diet and gets enough exercise, is there anything else a parent can do?

Research has shown that probiotics, those friendly bacteria that prevent harmful microorganisms from building up in the body and poisoning it, can help prevent constipation by aiding in the proper digestion of food and nutrients and maintaining a healthy ratio of good to bad intestinal bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are also useful for rebuilding immunity that has been compromised by long-term use of antibiotics. This is something parents want to watch out for, especially in Western cultures which endorse the liberal prescription of antibiotics for all sorts of ailments.

If your child has no major digestive health issues, good for you! Keep her that way for as long as you can with a fibre-rich diet, lots of exercise and a good quality probiotic supplement.

If your child suffers chronic constipation, then you may want to experiment by simply switching her to a non-dairy diet.

Cow's Milk and Constipation in Children

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Enfamil Coupons - Free Printable Enfamil coupons

Find Enfamil Coupons @ Baby products are really costly for everyone now that any savings are welcomed especially with Enfamil formula. Families are finding that baby products and formula's are rising in price and many are using money off coupons and vouchers to save money on their housekeeping bills. It's really easy to save cash by using coupons on your shopping outings and you can get your Enfamil coupons by clicking on the link above or below and finding the right coupons for you. With the credit crisis well and truly here we are all looking for ways to save dollars and this can be achieved by cutting down on your outgoings. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is by using baby coupons to reduce your final bill at the cashiers desk of your baby store or superstore. If you have a PC and are connected to the internet you can easily find baby formula coupons directly from your computer whenever you want to. Enfamil coupons are very popular because Enfamil formula is used by many Moms and Dads and is top of the shopping list. Enfamil formulas are available for babies with low birth weight, toddlers, food allergies and more.. To use coupons all you have to do is take them along to your local store. Hand the coupons over when you pay your bill and the amount will be deducted from the total. Finding Enfamil coupons and other types of infant and toddler formulas can help parents cut costs quite a bit. Find Enfamil Coupons @ www ...

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Getting Baby Formula Checks is Easy

!±8± Getting Baby Formula Checks is Easy

Are you an expecting mother? Would you like to know how you could get your hands on baby formula checks? If this is something that interests you, read this article and I will walk you though exactly how to get your hands on money saving checks that can be used on a number of baby formula brands. For those of you who don't know, baby formula checks are vouchers sent to you directly from the manufacturer that can be used to save a ton of money on baby formula.

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that there are three popular formula companies that are well known for providing new mothers with these checks. Enfamil, Similac and Nestle Good Start all make getting your formula at a discount easy. I will use one simple example to show you just how you can sign up for these great deals. If you follow the example, you will be able to mimic the steps with all of these companies as the process is very similar.

For the example we will use Enfamil. The first thing that I will do is go to the companies website, No I scan the page looking for a link that will lead me to their registration. On this particular site, it happens to be a button on the menu bar called "rewards". Once you have clicked on the link, you will be on a form page with three parts. The first part is your basic information, name, address, phone number. The second page asks you a few questions about when your baby is due. The last page involves figuring out which on their formula is right for your newborn. After you finish filling out the form, you are all done and all you need to do is sit back, relax and wait for your free vouchers to arrive.

Getting Baby Formula Checks is Easy

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